In today’s highly competitive and uncertain market environment, product or service development must ensure that they have included innovative values.

Creativity in product/ service innovation describes a new technique for improving the creativity process in product/ service design.

What will you benefit from this course?

  • Identify and assess customer opportunities
  • Generate and evaluate new product and service concepts
  • Design services and customer experiences
  • Evaluate product development economics

What will you cover?

Module 1: Sources for idea generation

  • Great ideas
  • Brainstorming common rules
  • Research on brainstorming and creativity
  • Concept sketches and sketch modeling
  • Concept generation process
  • External and internal search – brainstorming
  • Concept generation – example of combining ideas
  • Concept of down selection

Module 2: Creative Barriers

  • Experience
  • Assumptions
  • Judgments
  • Thinking Patterns
  • Right Answer Syndrome
  • Fear of Failure

Module 3: Creative enhancement methods

  • Brainstorming
  • Lateral thinking
  • “Six thinking hat”
  • Mind mapping
  • Random stimulation

Module 4: Design of services and customer experience

  • Services experience cycles
  • Real-world group project:

–  Analysis and concept development

–  Map out the customer experience cycle for your project idea

–  Think of innovation opportunities that stem from that cycle

Who is your coach? 


Hans Weemaes, listen to his introduction:

Which teaching method to be applied? 

eClasses (Online coaching) eConversations (Live instructor training)
4 weeks: 20 hours 4 weeks: 8 hours

Our innovation courses are designed based on the learning curve as shown in the chart below:

the learning curve

IBI Blended eLearning was designed to achieve a good balance between group learning and real time discussion, self-study and interactive learning, which is conducted by competence based teachers and experts to completely replace classroom training.

Innovation coach_training method_IBI Global

IBI Online Teaching Method | Explanation Video