Product-market fit is the golden rule for any startup – entrepreneurs need it or their concept will fail. However, defining product-market fit can be challenging for some startups, as it takes time and requires a deep understanding of your target market.

With good product/market fit, you offer a product that you know your customers want, ultimately, making it extremely easy to convince them to buy it. But like with anything, without a thorough understanding of product/market fit, you’re basically guessing.

What will you cover in this course?

Module 1: What is product market fit?

  • What is Fit?
  • What is the Customer Value Model?
  • Determine your target customer
  • Identify underserved customer needs

Module 2: The 4 Step Model to Figure out your PMF Strategy

  • Define
  • Measure
  • Breakdown
  • Maximize

Module 3: Finding product market fit

  • Define the decision making, schedule, market opportunity and product value,
  • Using personas, use cases, market status and development, market description, market segments, and total available market.
  • Identify target markets
  • Apply competitive research and analysis
  • Write product positioning
  • Conduct strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats analysis

Who is your coach?

Jeffrey Nah lectures on Technopreneurship and Innovation at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore as well as consult with SMEs on innovation, internationalization, leadership & talent development to drive business growth and expansion.

Jeff is a mentor with Singapore Management University (SMU) Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship. He is also a judge at SMU’s Lee Kuan Yew Global Business Plan 2017 competition, as well as the online startup community platform, Startup-O.

Which teaching method to be applied? 

(Online coaching)
(Live instructor training)
3 weeks: 15 hours 3 weeks: 6 hours

Our innovation courses are designed based on the learning curve as shown in the chart below:

the learning curve

IBI Blended eLearning was designed to achieve a good balance between group learning and real time discussion, self-study and interactive learning, which is conducted by competence based teachers and experts to completely replace classroom training.

Innovation coach_training method_IBI Global

IBI Online Teaching Method | Explanation Video