digital transformation

Studies show that more than 70% of the digital transformation implementations fail. More worryingly, 17% of failures jeopardize even the existence of companies.

A company nowadays needs to create a business intelligence framework that combines human intelligence and digital intelligence.

Digital transformation is essentially business transformation that comes about as a response to changes in consumer behavior. The changes in customer demands are caused by the rapidly advancing technology, and the shift in how they access information, products and services.

However, studies show that more than 70% of the digital transformation implementations fail. More worryingly, 17% of failures jeopardize even the existence of companies. The key reasons of these failures come from a nonperforming and disengaging culture or non-collaborative behaviors in a company. So, the best way to make a digital transformation successful is preparing your employees with the right mindset and a supportive culture. In other words, through targeted training.

This course – designed and developed by Axiobit, Ireland and IBI Global, promises to be one of the most qualified courses to help companies determine how to transform properly by assessing whether the current processes, procedures, operating models and organizational structures are still relevant.


What you will this course cover?

Module 1: Introduction to Digital Transformation

  • Lesson 1: Background and relevance of Digital Transformation
  • Lesson 2: Incorporating Digital Transformation in your Strategy
  • Lesson 3: Research skills – Understanding global & local environment
  • Lesson 4: Preparing – Evaluation of main challenges
  • Lesson 5: Fit with company culture & decision-making style

Module 2: Crafting Innovation – Methods & Tools

  • Lesson 1: Design Thinking
  • Lesson 2: Corporate Innovation Accelerator
  • Lesson 3: Managerial tools: BPM, BRE, CM, DMS
  • Lesson 4: Visual management & Prototyping
  • Lesson 5: Designing better business models

Module 3: Design Successful Digital Transformation Roadmap

  • Lesson 1: Setting priorities in Digital Transformation Initiatives
  • Lesson 2:  Definition & prioritization of initiatives
  • Lesson 3: Designing a road map
  • Lesson 4: Project

Module 4: Innovation: the practical aspects

  • Hot topics by industries
  • Case studies and trends in Banking & Finance and Retail.
  • Course project


Which teaching method shoul dbe applied? 

eClasses (Online coaching) eConversations (Live instructor training)
8 weeks: 40 hours 8 weeks: 16 hours


Our courses are designed according to the learning curve illustrated in the chart below:


The learning curve


IBI Blended eLearning is designed to achieve an optimal balance between group learning, real-time discussions, self-study, and interactive learning. This approach is facilitated by competent teachers and experts, aiming to fully replace traditional classroom training.

Innovation coach_training method_IBI Global

IBI Online Teaching Method | Explanation Video