Good stories can greatly affect our brain and even our behaviors’. Stories challenge us to empathize with very different characters, they make us think and they boost our feelings.

Now more than ever, businesses, and leaders have opportunities to stand out, spread messages, and put forward changes through storytelling.

How will you benefit?

  • Understand the importance of connecting stakeholders to business via business storytelling.
  • How to develop a story for Product and Business
  • Techniques of telling story

Who should attend?

This training program was designed for entrepreneurs, leaders, public speakers, marketers, advertisers, PR professionals and creative Professionals.

What will this course cover?

Module 1: Why does everyone love story?

  • Fables that your mom told you
  • Learning and Growing Through Stories

Module 2: The power storytelling in business world

  • The power of stories
  • A strategic business story

Module 3: Storytelling techniques

  • 5 story-telling techniques
  • Horses for Courses

Module 4: Being a good storyteller

  • Voice for atmosphere
  • Pacing of speech and the story
  • Using story structures to make presentations dynamic
  • Weaving your story into a business presentation

Module 5: Your business story

  • Story sequencing for building deep trust
    –  Who am I?
    –  Why am I here?
    –  What’s my vision?
  • What must a good story have?
  • Where to get the best material

Who is your coach?

Robin Nguyen

Robin Nguyen is the CEO of IBI, which is his brainchild. Robin has combined his background in business development and marketing with his passion for and knowledge of education and training to become a capable trainer in Business Development, Customer Service Management, Marketing Strategy and eLearning development.

Listen to what Robin has to say about the course:

Which teaching method to be applied? 

(Online coaching)
(Live instructor training)
5 weeks: 25 hours 5 weeks: 10 hours

Our courses are designed based on the learning curve as shown in the chart below:

the learning curve

IBI Blended eLearning was designed to achieve a good balance between group learning and real time discussion, self-study and interactive learning, which is conducted by competence based teachers and experts to completely replace classroom training.

Innovation coach_training method_IBI Global

IBI Online Teaching Method | Explanation Video